Here, at the very top, you have the latest interview. It is an interview made in april this year for Virtuosa magazine, under this interview you can find links to pages with more interviews.

1) Hi Jens. Was it nearly 2 years ago you were in Virtuosa!
Yes, it is already a long time ago. Time flies.

2) Going back to the start, tell us a bit about where your from and what its like to live there.
I was born and raised in a small city called Aabenraa in Denmark. A beautiful city, surrounded by forests and near the sea. I don't live there anylonger though. I only visit the city every now and then. Now I live in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. Not a lot of trees here in Copenhagen. I often miss the trees and the sea. The good thing about Copenhagen is of course, that there are a lot of bands here, and a lot of concerts. I like it here.

3) Were you in many groups before Chromeshift
Not any groups anyone has ever heard of, but yes, I was playing here and there before Chrome Shift came to life.

4) Tell us how Chrome Shift got together
I founded C.S. together with Otto in 1998/1999 after the break up of a band we both played in. Actually I have been playing with Otto since around 1991. We met Jakob Paulsen (keyboard) and Poul Terkildsen (drums) and began playing together. After some time, can't exactly remember when, we got Rasmus Bak as a singer. I think Poul knew Rasmus from somewhere. We rehearsed in Aabenraa the first years.

5) I must admit, of all the hundreds of Prog Metal releases I've got worldwide, theres not many prog metal bands to have come out of Denmark of late. That makes you guys quite unique.
Yes, there are not that many prog-metal bands in Denmark. There are only 5 million people here, so I guess it is limited how many prog bands can be made here. Actually, I can't really think of any other danish prog bands right now. I suppose there are more of those here somewhere. If there are others, then they might not have a record deal.

6) Your debut album for DVS Records, 'Ripples in Time' still sounds good over 2 years on (I dug it out the other day). Do you agree?
Yes, it is still amazing I think. I really like the songs and the sound of the album. I currently have ”Full Moon” and ”In My Own Dream” on my phone/mp3-player and I enjoy those songs. I love the blend of melodic and heavy elements, the best of both worlds on one album.

7) Did the album give you quite a lot of recognition.
Yes, it did. I think it is safe to say that most prog-heads out there got to know us. We made an album that was a bit different from other albums at the time.

8) I think the reviews of it were all very positive.
Yes, they were amazing. The album was very well recieved. We were absolutely amazed and very proud of course when we read the reviews and the comments people wrote to us. I don't think we could have done much better. It was fantastic.

9) Tell us about the next album and what we can expext.
Well, the next album will hopefully be recorded this summer and released at the end of this year. We don't know if DVS Records [] wants to release it. We hope they will, we really like DVS Records and would like to stay there. This time we can't pay for the studio time ourselves, we need DVS Records to help us out there.

10) Will the album pick up from where 'Ripples..' left off?
Yes and no. There will definately be songs that sounds like those on ”Ripples In Time”, but there will mostly be a lot of songs that are completely different. Expect the unexpected – haha. In some ways it is more extreme. It has melodic songs but also more weird/strange songs that are progressive in another way than normaly.

11) Are there any new and exiting Prog Metal groups that have caught your attention of late?
Not really. I must admit I haven't really been looking. When it comes to prog. metal I listen to Pain Of Salvation and O.S.I. at the moment. P.O.S are the kings in my eyes. Fantastic band. I would love to meet them.

12) I must admit that whilst Italy still maintains a steady stream of exellent releases, the flow has shifted from Germany over to France somewhat.
Probably, I haven't really been following what has been going on.

13) What would you do if you won the lottery tommorow?
Besides partying for a month, I would buy one month of studio time for Chrome Shift, maybe even just buy my own studio, that would be cool. Of course I would also have a few new basses build and would some more amps etc. for my bass. I would definately buy a cool tour-minibus, so C.S. wouldn't have to worry about transportation anymore. I would also travel around the world, not nessesarily in the mini-bus :-). I would got to Tibet, Canada and perhaps even England – have been in England 4-5 times already though.

14) So what does the future hold for Chromeshift?
The new album and hopefully some fun live concerts. We haven't played live in a long time. We would like to play more concerts. If possible, we would like to tour Europe for 14 days or so. We haven't really tried touring.

Nick Hinton

Here we give you a couple of links to some of the webzines/printed magazines who has interviewed us. Please look on the individual webpages for the interviews yourself.


Virtuosa Magazine - English magazine

Shapeless Zine - Italian webzine

Dreun - Belgium webzine

Heavy Metal (DK) - Danish webzine

Heavy Metal (I) - Italian webzine

Metalius - German webzine

Pretties For You - German webzine


Metal Express - Norwegian webzine